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3 Ways to Boost Your Reading Experience

June 1, 2016


I LOVE reading, don’t you? If you have your hands on a good book, you are in for a good experience, no matter what, but below are three ways that I like to boost my reading experience.

  1. Play Music While You Read.

When you play music while you read, you engage another one of your senses into the story. Try music with no vocals that is fitting to the genre of book. Music makes the exciting parts more exciting, the sad parts more sad and gives you a more three–dimensional experience. It becomes almost like watching a film.

  1. Take a Moment to Daydream.

When you read a particular part of the story that you like, take a moment to put the book down, close your eyes and allow the story play out in your mind.  See the scene, hear the characters, feel the environment, take yourself there.

  1. Substitute People You Know Into the Story.

Have you ever read a book and said, “I know someone just like that!”?  I have.  If there is a character that reminds you of someone that you know in real life, place that face on the fictional character and it will give the story a whole new depth.

Happy Reading!

Jean Nicole Rivers

Award Winning Author of The Secret Keepers



@JeanNicole19 (Instagram and Twitter)



Black Water Tales: The Unwanted:  http://tinyurl.com/zacbfcl

Black Water Tales: The Secret Keepers: http://tinyurl.com/zvoyfgq