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February 2016

3 Things To Love About Writing

February 26, 2016
Evening writing

Evening writing

Writing is an art form that, like many others, can take you through a whirlwind of emotions from exhilaration to frustration and back again quickly. Unquestionably, there is no lack of things to love about an activity that allows you to unzip the skin of the routine representative that you have learned to be, the politically correct, honest and kind person that everyone knows and loves and step out into the world in all of your raw and feral glory.

The month of love has not yet come to a close and the most valuable things to love about writing are poking me for acknowledgement.

Freedom: Writing allows you to be free. It makes for a safe place to escape the innocent, but monotonous confines that make us who we are in everyday life. While we as real people living in a strict reality have boundaries and standards, our characters are not bound by the same chains. Though at times it can be as frightening as it is exhilarating, these characters unlock the chains of reality and set us completely loose on the unsuspecting world.

Perspective: Writing gives broad allowances to tell the story in whatever manner the story demands. We are able to truly get inside of the head of the person standing next to us and see the world as they see it. The story can be told through the eyes of God, a child or even a mouse. It can be told with journal entries, from the mouth of a man on his death bed or with letters from incarcerated mother to daughter all with their own creative styles and story shaping perspectives.

Communication: Expression is one of the best aspects of writing. Writing is a passionate, but thoughtful form of expression. When speaking or debating, emotions can run high and words can be delivered without thought, but words on paper are always carefully calculated in order to express precise ideas and communication is what writing is all about.

As the month of love passes don’t forget the reasons why you love the craft.

Jean Nicole Rivers

3 Reading/Writing Accessories That I Just Love

February 13, 2016

A person like me spends an embarrassing amount of my time roaming the floors of any and every book store that they pass. Often, I get overly and openly thrilled about the little #booknerd gems that I find on these frequent explorations. With Valentine’s Day only one slumber away, I thought I would share with you some of the most splendid little trinkets that I have recently discovered.

Jonathan Adler Elephant Book Ends: I never noticed how difficult it was to find nice and reasonably priced book ends until I was recently shopping for them. I absolutely love these white elephant book ends that I found, they are pretty, subtle and actually weighty enough to hold up my books and are in the $30 price range.

Jonathan Adler Elephant Book Ends

Big Word Flash Cards by Knock Knock: These cards can keep me entertained for hours. I love learning new and exciting words and usually I get them from Merriam Webster’s Word of the Day, but this is an awesome and fun way to pass some free time and it includes the childhood nostalgia for learning all for $11.95.

Big Word Flash Cards by Knock Knock

Kate Spade Occasion Card Set: Keeping a set of blank cards on hand at all times so that I can easily communicate with people in my life no matter the occasion is one of the great pillars of being a lady (or at least that is what my grandmother told me), however, admittedly, they are usually not the most modern or fun looking things. This set allows you a variety of cards in sleek, classy and modern style that will have you ready for any occasion. A little pricey at $30, but unquestionably adorable.

Kate Spade Occasion Card Set

Keeping reading, writing, learning and accessorizing in style.